
For the Love of Perfection

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own." Philippians 3:12

This past semester, I have learned something about myself I never wanted to admit... I am a perfectionist.  I say that with laughter, because it took me so long to believe it.

Since before I can remember, every time I would write on a piece of paper, whether it be a journal, a sticky note to myself, study notes, or anything really, if there was ever a mistake, I would rip out that piece of paper, wad it up, toss it in the trash, and start all over.  Sometimes I had only written one line before either an ink smear, a misspelled word, or even just sloppy handwriting made that paper "not good enough".  And this process could go on and on until the whole trash can was filled with wads of paper.  It was ridiculous, really!

But the "messed up" paper is only a small portion to the extent of my perfectionist personality.  In fact, it takes effect in my school work, daily responsibilities, friends and family, and most significantly, my Christian walk.  I am always trying to be the perfect student, daughter, sister, friend, Christian, and etc.  But I am always finding the failures which discourage and disappoint.

When I do things, they have to be done perfectly.  If it is anything less than that then it is useless and unworthy - the whole effort therefore becomes a waste.  Sometimes I try again, but if the mess up seems unfixable or a relationship seems like there could be no restoration, I give up (with a few exceptions).  I find myself constantly trying to measure up to Christ.. constantly trying to be perfect and holy for my Father, but sometimes when I fall short, I get in this mind set that "I can't do it, so why try".  That is not at all what the Lord wants us to do.  He never said that once we accepted Christ as our Savior that we would attain His holy nature immediately, but we are to "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" Phil. 3:14.

He wants us to not only make an effort in taking on our personal responsibilities of living as His children and obeying His good law, even though we fall short and can not do this perfectly.  But He also wants us to have faith and trust in His ability to rid us and others of sin, to give us strength to overcome the struggles we hate about ourselves.  First Corinthians 13:9-10 & 12 says, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the Perfect comes, the partial will pass away... For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."

Through recognizing the perfectionist part of myself, I have been able to positively accept my own inability and rely more fully on God's perfect ability.  Of course, this lesson in life is pretty well-known to most Christians, but due to our prideful nature and desire to achieve things on our own, I find myself having to constantly remember this and find contentment in the simple fact perfection is a natural limitation and that I am only meant to strive for holiness in light of eternal life with the Perfect.

17 "But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18 and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. 19 I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification." Romans 6:17-19


Finding Hope, Seeing Beauty.

Hold fast like an anchor in the storm
For your love, we will rise and overcome
Through the fire
Hold fast my people and sing
Through peace and through suffering
All for the joy that it brings, to be free
It’s gonna cost us everything
To follow one Lord and King
True love endure everything
To be free
Hold fast, like an anchor in the storm
We will not be moved

"Hold fast, like an anchor in the storm"... this is exactly what our team has been working at the past two weeks.  Our team is constantly learning to work together through our frustrations, differences and struggles and how to exactly "rise and overcome".  Each of us are being stretched this summer, and we knew facing pain was inevitable.  On top of everything that we are learning here, many of us are working through some personal issues and relationships that were left back home.  But God is faithfully opening my eyes through these struggles and showing me more about dependency on Christ, the grace I've received, accepting things that I cannot change, and remembering that God's will is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).

Lately, the Lord has really been teaching me more about hope and finding the beauty in God’s will.

Every day I walk the streets in Athens to find young gypsy children playing instruments (mostly the accordion) for money.  The looks on their faces are lonely and hopeless.  This "normality" in Europe has been especially heart-wrenching to me since the beginning of the trip.  I was told that there is not much anyone can do for the children, that most of them are being exploited and trying to help can often only hurt them worse.  One day a little girl came up to me, playing her accordion and asking for money.  Because I was told not to give, I didn’t, but she kept following, asking desperately.  It was then that I broke.  I was angry that I could not help her… I could not free her.  Any time I saw a gypsy child, a homeless person with no where to go, a drug addict lying on the street near death, a prostitute selling herself on a corner, a refugee who was looked down upon, the litter that pollutes the streets,  I felt the hopelessness of all these situations.  I want things to change and for all of these people to somehow be free from suffering, to somehow come to know Christ as their Savior... but at the time, it all seemed hopeless.  I could not find the beauty in God’s plan when I could only see the pain and suffering of these people and the lack of hope because no one reaches out to them.

But my eyes were opened to that beauty last week when we were given the opportunity to serve meals at a homeless shelter in Omonia.  There were nearly 200 people there, but only a handful of women.  As I searched for a woman to talk to, I finally noticed a lady in the back corner who was alone.  I asked if I could sit by her.  The most infectious smile crossed her face and she immediately began chattering away in Greek.  I started talking with her with the little Greek I had learned, and found out her name is Rosie, she is Bulgarian, she has lived in Greece for five years, and is a single mother of a 15 year-old son.  The rest of the conversation was like playing charades!  But I finally saw beauty in that homeless shelter.  The way Rosie warmly welcomed me to sit with her as if she had known me for years.  The way she smiled and laughed and hugged and kissed me...  I forgot she was homeless.  Rosie was ministering more to me than I was to her.  At some point, the realization came to me that people don’t touch the homeless.  They are ignored... not embraced.  She probably never gets loved on, when that’s really what she seemed to care most about.  I wasn’t going to let the smell turn me away.  I am called to love the poor, the homeless, and the needy.  I am called to wash their feet any way I can.

I kept seeing a beauty in that shelter that I sometimes never even see in church.  After we led worship and shared a few testimonies, there was a call to the altar.  In all honesty, I did not expect anyone to come up and even then doubted the sincerity of anyone’s plea for Christ.  I was that hopeless.  More than 15 people came up to profess Christ as their Savior.  And then I saw Rosie walk up beside me trembling, completely broken and desperate, crying out to God.  She knew she had no hope apart from God, and I remembered when that was me.  I knew her heart was sincere…that the Holy Spirit was making her new.  I saw the sweet love of Christ and an answer to prayer.  And holding her during that time was absolutely beautiful.  I no longer saw a homeless woman.  I didn't smell the stench of dirty clothes.  I didn't see someone who had nothing.  I saw a friend, a mother, a fellow heir to Christ.  I saw a beautiful Rosie.  Rosie had nothing, yet showed such joy regardless of her circumstances.

I am having to remember that it is okay to admit to God that I am struggling, that sometimes it hurts and accepting His will is not always fun nor easy.  I have to ask for strength to endure.  I have to find joy in suffering in Gods will, with the knowledge of His promise that our suffering in this present world is worth it.  Our God is faithful and will not leave us in our sufferings.  He will bring us onto dry and solid ground.  True love endures everything, and the fight of endurance is truly beautiful.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18


Neos Kosmos Hooligans

By the blow of a whistle the Tournaments began.  Kentro 68 (the name of the Community Center) puts on a 2 week long "Futball" Tournament for the guys of the Neos Kosmos neighborhood.  There are younger and older boy’s brackets, so when the Tournaments come to an end, the winners will be awarded.  But they are all incredibly talented!  My favorite is watching the younger boys score a goal – they treat this Tournament like it’s the World Cup… their dads get all excited and yell from the bleachers, and even their friends run down to celebrate a goal! This has also been a fun time for the girls in this community.  Courtney (a worker at the Community Center) told us that for the past 3 years, they could never entertain the girls well during the tournaments, so we wanted to make it happen!  We brought materials for jewelry making, face painting, caricature drawings, and supplies for an art contest – the girls and small children absolutely loved it… even the parents and grandparents are excited to see us each afternoon!  (Thanks again to my supporters – these materials came from our team’s ministry funds and you helped put smiles on their faces!)  When the awards are given to the boys for Fut Ball, we will announce winners for the girls who entered the art contest.  Also, the teenage guys who were playing in the tournaments became interested in the jewelry making and asked for us to make them some “boy” bracelets.  God really opened doors for us in communication with the guys and allowed us to share a little about our ministry, the Camp Kalamos, and ourselves.  We are still in prayer that some of these kids will join us at camp.
I love seeing God at work – even through the act of breaking communication barriers.  Hardly anyone here speaks English, with some only knowing single words or simple phrases.  But all of these activities have given each child smiles and laughter.

As many of you know, there have been many strikes in the city of Athens due to the economic crisis Greece has been facing.  Most of the strikes have only had violence on the front line of the protest in front of Parliament.  However, the recent 48-hour strike (the largest protest since 1974) has resulted in several injuries, fires, and tear gas throughout the city.  This has prevented our team from putting on the Tournament the past couple of days.  Please pray for God’s work to continue for these kids and that the people of Greece will seek God through this trial, as it effects each family economically as well as emotionally.  Thankfully, this has been a good time for our team to rest and get to know each other better.  We have had this time for devotions, games, story-telling, and laundry.

"Love what is sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving in the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality...Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud..." Romans 12: 9-16


The Pursuit

On Monday, Dina took us to a different side of the Red Light District than where we’ve previously visited.  Most of the Madame’s on this street have never let Dina enter.  And as many times as Dina told herself that she was never going back there, she continues to find herself on that street in hopes that God will somehow open doors here.  We went with the hopes of softened hearts, for the Madame’s to not see us as a threat, but we saw Satan’s attempts to prevent the Gospel from being spread right before our eyes.

As soon as we entered the district, every single one of us felt the instant heaviness and presence of spiritual warfare.  We prayed as a group as we usually did before entering the brothels but during our prayer we all saw a few Madame's step out the door, throw salt on their steps and walk back inside.  Dina said that is a superstition in Greece to keep bad spirits away.  How ironic.  Then a man came up to us and told us that we needed to leave or else it would upset the women and their clients.  When we didn't leave he came back to tell us he would call the cops to arrest us for evangelizing.  We chose to stay.  Each brothel we tried to enter turned us down.  The last one we went to ended with the wife of the Pimp who runs that street screaming at Dina for us to leave.  The lady was harsh, but Dina remained calm and extremely composed with love and grace.  So we left.  We tried not to feel let down or upset about the lack of success (in our eyes), but discouragement was there, nonetheless.  And I can understand why Dina wouldn’t want to go back to that street after all that happened…but she finds herself going anyway.  This reminds me of how God continues to pursue us, even when we yell at Him to go away, when we are too stubborn to listen and obey Him, when we slap Him in the face with our sins, when we completely break His heart…He still returns to us with open arms, ready to bring us back to Him… back on the path towards Home.

God explains in His love letter to us why He keeps pursuing us.  In Hosea chapter 11, we are shown a beautiful glimpse of this love:
 “(2)The more they were called, the more they went away; they kept sacrificing to the Baals and burning offerings to idols."
“(8) How can I give you up, O Ephraim?  How can I hand you over, O Israel?  How can I make you like Admah?  How can I treat you like Zeboiim?  My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender.  (9) I will not execute my burning anger; I will not again destroy Ephraim; for I am God and not a man, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath.”
He continues in Chapter 14:4…
“I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them.”

It’s hard when I want to see fruits… to see people change… to see quick results in God’s work.  But though it’s not always the results I want, or my kind of success, God is succeeding and He is working in His good and perfect pace.  So we will praise Him under all circumstances and continue praying for softened and open hearts, that one day they would allow God in.


"Your Shirt...It's Happy"

“…From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”  Ephesians 4:16

I was reminded of this verse over the past few days.
As a team, we have been learning that we must first love each other before we could ever be effective to the people in Greece.  And on Sunday when I woke up with the stomach bug leaving me unable to join the group to church, Elise kindly sacrificed her day to stay behind with me.

On Monday, we began working alongside a community center that is set up in a neighborhood primarily populated with Albanian immigrants.  Missionaries and volunteers from First Church in Athens have run the community center for the past three years providing the youth with a safe place to play games, learn to use computers, and interact with the volunteers from First Church.  Most of this neighborhood’s residents have no religious affiliation, as they come from a country that was communist for almost half of the 20th century.  But as the missionaries and volunteers have built relationships with these kids, they have had the opportunity to teach the youth about Jesus and even see some kids start coming to church.

Every summer, the community center moves its activities outside, for a series of festivals and sports tournaments in the town square.  Before we began, we sat down to discuss who would be doing what.  They asked if any of us could unicycle, make balloon animals, juggle, or stilt walk…  as if any of us had been in a circus before J.  Elise did face painting, Emily took up the Diablo, Trevin and Kelsey were on stilts, Jaimeson, Joanna, and Tyler were in charge of the water games and group events... Tyler also juggled, Rachel hula hooped, and I was in charge of Twister… and I must say, each person incredibly enjoyed their job!  It was neat to see all of our talents, or at least enthusiasm, being utilized to make these festivals a success.
As we headed to the Square, a parade of kids marched up the road with us, ready for the fun and games to begin.  As soon as I set up, there were kids ready to play.  At first I just spun the wheel and pointed to either feet or hands and the color, then a 12 year old girl named Anna came up and asked in English if I needed help… YES!  Precious Anna helped me with my Greek colors and translated the directions to the kids for me.  She didn’t leave my side other than for the group events every 15 minutes and face painting, and then she was back again, helping me with Twister.  She even helped me pick up, and hugged me goodbye at least three times.  She was definitely a God sent encouragement!
There was also a man who performed a magic show, which he used to share the Gospel in the most clear and effective way possible for the kids.
 Tuesday and Wednesday we were back to the festival!  Anna greeted me with hugs each day, faithfully stayed with me to help, and occasionally would drag me to meet some of her friends.  The festival was always ended by a circle of kids showing off their break dancing skills… And though my team has picked on me for my Christian rap, it came in good use these past 3 days!

We have gotten responses from the kids and their families during the past 3 days of Festival.  Parents have asked why this is done every year for the kids, why Americans always come to help, why it’s done for the kids for free, and so on.  They see the people behind this are different, and they are amazed at how generous the community center is. We even got comments on the t-shirts that the community center gave us to wear (hence the title of this post).

Each of us is a joint… a purposeful and necessary joint for the body to function properly.  We are each exceptional.  This is something that God focused my heart on during the festivals.  I didn’t think I was doing much for these kids, but Anna was an encouragement God sent to me.  She reminded me that just showing them love, just giving them some attention, smiles, and a taste of a God-given joy was sharing the Gospel.  I think of my sweet Anna and others like her and how much I yearn for these children to know Christ as their Savior.  I cannot save these children, but I, as well as the rest of our team and the nationals we are working with are vessels to guide them even a step closer to falling in love with the everlasting King. 

“…that Your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations.  Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise You!  Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.”   Psalm 67:2-4


Only Christ offers Nea Zoi

Monday’s ministry was arduous, so much so that it is taking all of me to sit and write about it.  But here goes…
As we hurried off the metro into the Omonia Square, Dina (a courageous woman who’s been working with the Nea Zoi ministry for 8 years building relationships and leading a few women out) led our team into the Red Light District of Athens.  We reached a street that was lined with hazy lights that hovered over almost every door.  Dina needn’t explain anything as soon as I saw the numbers of men walking in and out of the doors, going from one door to the next and heard the scream of a girl behind barred windows…  These doors were the entrances to selfishness…brokenness...hopelessness.  These doors were the sinister entrances to brothels.

            Dina gave each of us girls the option of going into a brothel with her individually, so four of us took the opportunity.  As I followed Dina into the dark room that was lit up with pink and red lights, I felt my heart sink.  The Madame (usually ex-prostitute who is in charge of the girls, decides who is let in or not… this particular Madame is friends with Dina, so she let us in) greeted us as we entered the short hallway/waiting room.  We followed her into the small kitchen where a red headed, Albanian girl named Mary sat.  She was wearing nothing but lingerie and heels.  Mary looked to be only a little older than myself, and the Madame is 62 (she made me guess her age).  They were friendly, asking my name and how old I was, then politely exchanged pokerfaced smiles and emotionless laughs. 
            Whenever a potential client walked through the door, Mary hopped out of her chair, showed herself to the man, and returned to the kitchen smiling as if nothing had happened, as if she wasn’t just demoralized.  It made me angry each time I heard a new client walking in and out of the brothel, knowing that they had probably just come from another lighted doorway.  Many came just to look, because looking is free.  And many would come in groups, as if what they were doing was normal recreation.
             Mary’s face remained impassive during the rest of the conversation, and she rarely looked at me.  But I could tell by the way she and the Madame interacted with Dina, they trusted her.  They liked her and enjoyed her presence.  Dina seemed to bring a peace to them in this sadistic place.  She talked with them as equals.  She exemplified gentleness, compassion, humility and love to them, and they had probably never before seen these characteristics from another person.  I could not understand most of the dialect, but at one point, Mary began saying something and pointing to me.  Dina explained that Mary was saying that I was a beautiful young girl who had a life… that I had something going for me, a future… one that she did not.  Dina then told her that if she would leave this life, then she could visit me, learn and grow, and have a beautiful future too.  Mary replied, “No, no.  I am not deserving enough.”  Immediately, tears swelled my eyes as I laid my hand on her arm and told her that I, too, have felt undeserving and worthless.

The word “undeserving” put knots in my heart.  Film clips from my past played over and over in my head of all my different sins and all the times I gave in to Satan’s lies that I was "not deserving enough".  I can’t do anything for this young woman but show her grace and love, the same grace and love that has been shown to me by God.   And I pray that as she sees that grace and love, she discovers the overwhelming JOY that only God can fill us with.

My team was waiting and praying outside.  That’s what we did while someone was in a brothel…we prayed, always with our eyes open.  Prayer was our team’s strength as we were placed in this heavy, burdened ministry.  But God faithfully gave us glimpses of hope for the restoration He offers. And only Christ offers New Life.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."  2 Corinthians 5:17

Basic Information on Nea Zoi

After my recent experience of ministering in a brothel on Monday, I first wanted to share some facts on sex trafficking and prostitution in Greece and basic information about the Nea Zoi (which stands for New Life) ministry before I enter into telling of my experience.

Greece is a destination and transit country for women and children, trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation and for men and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labor. Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, other parts of Eastern Europe and the Balkans, Nigeria, and Brazil.

There are over 300 brothels in the city of Athens alone.
Prostitution is legal in Athens. Some of the women are willingly in the brothels and are free to go. However, most women are victims of human trafficking, brought to Athens with promises of a waitressing job or an education, and then abused and forced into the brothels. We learned of a woman from Nigeria who was sold by her cousin.
Brothels are legal if permitted, but the lack of a brothel permit is rarely enforced.

When police are told of a pimp’s location or of women who are victims (exploited, and not by choice) they will occasionally conduct a brothel raid to remove the girl and arrest the pimps.  Problem: many police officers tip off the pimps, so the pimps hide the girl.

Nea Zoi Goals:
Offers care, information, training as well as emotional and practical support to those working in prostitution to empower them for change and fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation in the region.

What they do:
With weekly visits and telephone calls, they build relationships with individuals where they work in the red light district with the purpose of offering emotional and spiritual support and information.

Dina is praying now for a safe house, a place where women who leave can go to be safe from harm and also learn skills they need to survive and work outside. Many were brought into the brothels at a very young age and have little education, which makes if difficult to find work when they leave. Many do not speak Greek or English, may not be able to read, cook, or have any skills they can use. 

What to Pray for:
   *The dozens of enslaved people met in Athens each week
   *Viable options and hope to be restored in their home countries
   *Just laws and for lawmakers to act with integrity
   *Change in Greek social attitudes towards prostitution
   *The worldwide church to actively play a role in prevention and restoration.
   *Wisdom for Nea Zoi as they seek God's will for the ministry
   *A safe house/shelter for the women who come out
   *Safety for volunteers during street outreaches



"Cleaning the Feet of Volos"

Hello to all!
I am finally able to sit down and tell of our time spent in Volos this past week.  We did not have Internet and remained quite busy.  Our time spent there was beautiful, and leaving was bittersweet.  And all these reasons of the bitter and the sweet are intertwined. 

It was sweet because of the wonderful friendships we created within His Bride, the church.  Sweeter still because of the trash ministry; Meletis’ passion for this ministry was infectious!  He described this ministry as “Cleaning the Feet of Volos”, and we saw God at work through this simple form of community service. 
“You see, to be Greek is to be Orthodox…to be a protestant and be Greek is to be a heretic and to betray your identity as a Greek” (paraphrase of Meletis).  ”Greek Orthodox will call themselves Christians, but not consider a Protestant a Christian”.  It is within this context that Meletis was called to the church in Volos in the 90s.  He said that when he came to the Volos church at that time it was full of an older generation who had responded to this cultural attitude by facing inward - and in his words, letting them define their place in the community... and, therefore, having little to no impact on the community.  It was in 1997 that Meletis began the trash pick up.  He says he went to the town office and told them what they were going to do, and the response was disbelief.  But Meletis did it anyways, just as he said.  He said that it wasn’t until the third day of them picking up trash that the mayor came (as he had said he would) rolled down the window and said, “So you did it” and Meletis replied, “I told you I would.”  In the following years the Evangelical church gained more exposure in Volos through this ministry and it was because of this ministry that the church began to be included in the community - from being invited to events to being put on the map.
We picked up trash Saturday (June 4), Monday and Tuesday.  And during those three days, I felt the sharp pain of bitterness fill my heart toward the people’s pollution to the beautiful land.  I couldn’t understand the Greeks' problem of littering and lack of care for God’s wonderful creation, or how anyone could be too prideful to do anything about it.  But as we picked up trash alongside the roads and beautiful coast, people would stop and ask us what we were doing – was it that unusual for them to see simple acts of community service?  Many thanked us and said “Bravo”, which was always encouraging, and some would honk politely as they drove past.  A few even stopped to help pick up for a while.  I saw that many were embarrassed that people would come from other parts of the world to pick up their trash.  And there was so much trash…so much that we couldn’t pick it all up.  We couldn’t get every piece of paper or every bendy straw on the ground.  But you know who can?  Jesus.  Jesus cleaned every single piece of trash in my life.  He picked up all the litter that gave stench to me, His temple…His creation.  He is the one true cleanser of the world (1 John 1:9).
We were also given the chance to pass out trash bags that told of the ministry and church.  Between the 7 of us and Meletis, we passed out 2,500 bags within 3 hours!  While passing out the bags, some would reply “Whose trash?”  As I wanted to lash out in anger saying “your trash – do you people not see your own trash?”  I was again reminded of the log in my own eye and how I need to take my own garbage to Christ each day.

On Sunday, we faced the bitter knowledge of the persecution of the 7 faithful members of the old country evangelical church in Karditsa, which is located 2 hours outside of Volos.  They experienced especially bitter struggles in the 60’s as they were accosted with insults and stones and vegetables thrown at them as they sought to enter their place of worship – for this reason the church even had to be shut down for a time.  However, we were given glimpses of the sweet love and answers to prayer this church has experienced – with a small yet faithful membership; particularly the answer God has given to a believing wife, whose husband once beat her for attendance of an evangelical church, now accompanies her.  Because the church has no pastor, it holds worship on Sunday evenings so other evangelical pastors can preach on rotation.

Wednesday, we went to the rock cliff towers of Meteora.  This is a group of monasteries built in the 10th century by monks and nuns who wanted to escape from the world and make for themselves a holy life.  Many of the monasteries were destroyed by the Turks during the Turk Invasion, however, the monks and nuns were careful to preserve their treasures of art, Biblical literature, and historical writings in crypts.  It is bitter to think of the idolatry put into all the icons and treasures, though, sweet to have them preserved so we can see and understand this culture better through their history.

There is the sweetness of receiving grace and hospitality in His name.  And the bitterness of leaving such a home… mingled with the remembrance that we each do belong somewhere greater, somewhere we will be truly satisfied by a stay with such a Host that the sweetness will neither end nor fade.

“We ought to always give thanks to God for you, brothers (and sisters), as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring.”  2 Thessalonians 1:3 & 4


Marriage Supper of the Lamb

For now, we don’t have a set schedule.  And to be honest, we have felt more like tourists during our time in Peiraias.  We have eaten…A LOT.  We have taken strolls around town, visited the markets and just relaxed.  But I’ve seen God working through this time as well…

In church Sunday, the sermon and songs were all in Greek, but thankfully Pavalos provided a translator, Po-pi.  The sermon was on Revelation and Pavalos’ sermon was one of urgency and truth.  Often, we don’t want to think about the punishment of non-believers, that they will be thrown into the lake of fire.  Worse of all, we don’t want to think about our friends and family not being in paradise with us.  It sounds evil.  It breaks our hearts.  But it shows us the truth.  The truth that God reigns over all the world – the Heavens AND the earth.  Who are we to deny the King of all?  Who are we to run and turn away from Him?

I saw something beautiful during lunch Sunday.  It was a beauty that cannot be explained by anything other than the work of the Holy Spirit dwelling within God’s precious children.  That beauty was language.  There was a mixture of three different tongues being spoken around the table – English, Spanish, and Greek; however, the language barrier did not impede our fellowship together.  The Holy Spirit was the mediation of the languages, and Satan’s attempts to prevent us from worshiping the Lord together could not withstand God’s power.  I could not help from thanking the Lord for His spirit of truth dwelling within us.  He painted such a beautiful picture of the marriage supper of the Lamb in which all of His children will be united together with Christ and rejoice as one.

Sunday night, we were invited to Second Church in Athens to hear the Moody Bible Institute’s Men’s Collegiate Choir sing.  It was absolutely beautiful as they sang old hymns, and it was nice to get to talk to other English-speaking people! 

Monday, we met Pavalos downstairs in the church to help any way we were needed.  We began with a devotion and then immediately started cleaning closets and around the church.  Let me just add – the closets had not been cleaned out in ages it seemed!  But I did get a few souvenirs to bring home (one was an old Greek map of Paul’s ministry journeys)!

Tuesday, we went to the market.  I’ve never seen anything like it!  There were more fruits and vegetables than I’ve ever laid eyes upon, as well as the most fresh and beautiful.  Our goal at the market was to pass out fliers about the Gospel, free worship, and an actual relationship with Jesus Christ.  The hard part: we could not just hand them out to people.  Greek Orthodox has high power here, and anything done evangelically could get us in trouble with the law… So, we conspicuously placed the fliers in people’s buggies and bags, almost like counter-pick-pocketing, ha!
After we left the market, I got sick to my stomach.  Thankfully, we didn’t have too much going on the rest of the day so I was able to rest.  I couldn’t eat much, but Vickie was kind enough to take care of me with hot Chamomile tea and bagel chips.

Wednesday (today), we woke up and went to get breakfast at a café, then headed to the post office and shops.  We have mostly been reading, doing laundry and resting until lunch.  Vickie and Lisa keep joking with Rachel and me about how they want to set us up with their sons...but don’t worry Dad! 
Around 1 today we will finally get to meet Argyris (he teaches at the Bible Institute in Athens, which will be our main home for the summer once we get back from Volos) and his son, Eric.  We will have lunch, go to the beach and then clean the sanctuary before Bible study.

I ask that you keep praying.  People here are all very welcoming and kind, but so closed off to anything concerning the church or Christ.  I guess you could say relationships seem very surface area.  Pray for my team and me as we are challenged daily with communication, flexibility, and love for the people and culture.
And I also want you to know that prayers are not one-way.  You are all in my prayers back home.  I pray your love for the Lord grows and that He enables you to genuinely love one another - even our enemies, to follow the authority you’re placed under, and to show Christ through everything you do each day, not because you feel you have to, but because you love God so much that you WANT to serve him with all He’s given you.  I also pray we don't let our differences with others prevent our kindness and fellowship with them, keeping in mind the marriage supper of the Lamb and the river of Life to come.  Never forget where our finish line is…

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4


Coffee and Nutella...at 5AM

On the short flight to Charlotte, NC, I was blessed to be sitting by a girl from Cali who was returning home from a Missions Conference.  She is in the process of raising support for a 10-month mission trip to Thailand, and it was a huge encouragement talking with her.  We prayed together as the plane was landing, and through this, the Lord surely blessed me with confidence in the work He is going to do in and through us this summer.
On Friday, after what seemed like a lifetime, our team finally landed in Athens, Greece…stiff-legged!  Pavalos, the pastor of the Greek Evangelical Church of Peiraias, greeted us at the airport.  We have already seen the necessity of becoming more flexible to the slower paced Greek culture, the changing of plans, as well as the falling through of plans!  We were originally supposed to be staying at the Bible College, but it would be packed quarters until the end of next week.  So, we are now staying at the Greek Evangelical Church for about 6 days.  Also, we were to be traveling to Volos the first week, and now we’ll be going after our 6 days in Peiraias.
Saturday morning we were able to sleep in and take a short stroll around the neighborhood, having not the slightest idea where we were going.  Ms. Vicki, a mother figure of the church, prepared Tyro pita and Baklava around 1PM; she then gave us a better-directed tour – taking us to the port and beaches.  In a way, this can be a parable God used to show us that we really can't do things on our own, but with His guidance, He'll show us the beautiful, good things...especially in a place that is not our home.
As Ms. Vickie began preparing dinner for us, I became even more excited about practicing what little Greek I know with her.  She guided me through phrases and vocabulary as I pointed to everything I could find so she could tell me the word for it.  It was quite entertaining, considering she speaks little English.  However, she knows Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek - so my 2 years of Spanish were somewhat beneficial.  I learned she was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and has lived in Greece for 27 years now - it took her 6 months to learn the Greek tongue.  She laughed with me and said she enjoyed my questions because she was reminded of herself – always curious and wanting to learn.  So, she kept asking me “What more, what more?”
We, as a team, are in the process of getting to know each other and soak everything in.  We are all trying to get comfortable in a place where we were just thrown into, and right now, have feelings of a lack of direction.  Our mentor couple will not be arriving for 2 more weeks as well as Emily, a new addition to the team who we have yet to meet.  Right now, we are definitely in need of having go-with-the-flow attitudes and rest while we can (I like the sound of that)...
I am awake writing this at 5AM because I could not sleep.  Several of us couldn’t.  Elise and I were woken up by the heat and a mosquito that wouldn’t quit pestering us, and we couldn’t get back to sleep due to the loud commotion on the street… Also, the nightmares I’ve been having for about a month now still won’t cease.  I am hoping I will soon be able to sleep peacefully!  So, we stayed awake, talking and eating nutella and toast.  But we have church at 10:30 so I am going to try and rest for a short while.

In Christ,


Joy Comes with the Morning

Psalm 30:5b "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning."

God has been using the phrase "Joy Come with the Morning" in my life a lot lately - and the way He works it into my life has become quite humorous.
One night, a few weeks ago, I felt incredibly unprepared, insufficient, and lacking the financial support to get me to Greece for the mission to which I have been called this summer.  That night, some tears were shed along with a cry for the faithfulness of the Lord.  But the next morning, I was brought back to the humble reality that Christ makes all things possible, and impossible is not a word in God's dictionary.  That morning, my anxieties, fears and doubts were swept away by His faithfulness.
The day began by finding out I had an A in a class I thought I was practically failing (something to give me a bit of hope for the day), a couple of phone calls from churches and families offering a great deal of financial support for Greece (adding more proof of God's call for me to serve in Greece this summer), and blessings of encouragement from strangers and acquaintances (providing the affirmation I needed at the time and knowing God will equip me).  Indeed, joy comes with the morning!  And indeed, He remains faithful!

Not always will our weeping only last one night.  Oftentimes, our days of mourning last a while, but God remains faithful as we draw on Him for strength and hope.  You have turned for me my mourning into dancing you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness...~Psalm 30:11  So, instead of becoming cast down during our toils, we are to look to the Lord for His faithfulness.  He will remain faithful to us, 1) because He loves us unconditionally, and 2) because He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13b)

Psalm 30:12 "...that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!"


Ya-ssas! (Hello)

This past year, I have been learning a deeper meaning of living as a "sent" people.  By this, I mean, mission work is not confined by taking trips to make a difference - it's about having a heart for where you are right now, and where you aren't.
As I have been striving to be an example of Christ and reflect God's love to the people around me where I have been called for 4 years of my life, in Auburn, I gained a new desire to serve Him overseas.  God has so graciously blessed me with an exciting opportunity to serve Him in the beautiful country of Greece this summer!  My purpose for this blog is to keep those of you reading informed and updated on how God is preparing the people in Greece for His kingdom.  I will be serving alongside 6 other interns through an organization called Mission to the World.  I am humbled in knowing God is not served by my hands as if He needed me, but that He wants to work through me (Acts 17:25).  

What We Will Be Doing In Greece

From May 23-July 30, I will be serving with 6 other interns from across the US.  We will be working with a church plant in Athens, primarily engaging in relational evangelism.  Our team will be working with the church congregation leading worship and helping with events, skits, and sports, leading a couple of outreach events for the youth, and participate in weekly youth meetings.  At the end of the summer, we will help run a youth camp in the city of Kalamos.  We will also be working with New Zoi (New Life), a ministry to prostitutes who have been trafficked into Greece from various places in Western Europe and northern Africa.  We will also be putting on festivals for the children of immigrants in Athens as well.  This is an outreach to the children and parents, where we will be showing them the love and grace of Christ and to show that the church is here to help them.

How You Can Serve Through Prayer

The people we will be working with need prayer for a few things. The youth, that they would take their faith seriously; that they would treasure the gift they have been given and that when they go to school and work, they would be a light shining in Athens for others to see! 
The young women we will work with through Nea Zoi (New Life) need prayer that their hearts would be open, that they would be softened and not closed off to me and the team, and that they would be encouraged and gain the strength they need to turn from prostitution to the gospel. The workers at New Zoi need prayer for safety as they work, and that their ministry would be fruitful! 
The immigrant’s we will be working with have physical needs, food and shelter, as well as spiritual needs. 
Most of the people who we will be working with will not be Christians, they may have been exposed to religion, but most not to the gospel. However, the youth group at the church, of course, are Christians for the most part.


I leave in 8 days and this could not be a more exciting time of my life!  I know the road will not be an easy one - we will be faced with some growing pains and mountains to cross - but it will be so worth it! And with God's promised presence and success, I know this journey will fill me, and many others, with a new love, joy, and purpose of living for my Savior.

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14


The Patriot

"There is no such thing as impossibility when God says, 'Forward, soul; arise, go over this Jordan!'" F.B.Meyer

I have been studying the life of Joshua and how he followed God with all his heart by obeying God's command into battle (he was leading a bunch of lazy and untrained Israelites into battle against great warriors and giants - to the world it was an impossible mission) and there's no doubt he had fear of failing. But God spent the first 9 verses of Joshua 1 giving Joshua encouragement, affirmation, a promise of His presence and faithfulness, and a promise of success! Wow! To me, it is so comforting to know that people like Joshua in the Bible needed to be reminded of God's presence, faithfulness, and success just as much as I do every hour of the day. Also, God said to Joshua in verse 9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you may go." And in Numbers 14:9 Joshua tells us "Do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them." It is neat how it went from God commanding young Joshua not to fear when he went in to battle for his first time as a leader, and now, at age 40, Joshua has had enough experience to see that God will never fail His children. So Joshua now commands us to trust God and not fear the future, the unknown, the "impossible" battles. God's presence was always with Joshua and will always be with us.
"Therefore my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Last week, I was flipping through channels and stumbled upon a showing of The Patriot - a classic in my book!  Because of my dad, I have grown up with a love for history and war movies. Anyways, in The Patriot, Benjamin Martin is the colonel of the "untrained" local militia and father of seven children, the oldest being Gabriel.  The scene that captured my attention the most is when Gabriel is killed by the ruthless Colonel William Tavington. Benjamin fell to his knees heartbroken, crying "God help me! Please help me!" over and over again.

You may have never lost a child, or you may not actually be fighting in a physical war for freedom, but living in this world bound to sin, we are constantly suffering, hurting, and in pain. And being believers and followers of Christ, we are constantly in a battle and fighting against the yoke of slavery to sin. And in our toils and suffering, we are constantly called to surrender our lives to Christ our Lord and cry out "Help me God! Please, help me!"

I love the phrase "God's work will never lack God's provision." But as much as we say this is true and want to believe it is true, do we really live and act on its truth? I know I have a hard time myself trusting that God will provide. I say that I know He will, but in my heart I sometimes have doubts - such as doubts that I will be able to raise the full $7,300 support for my opportunity to serve in Athens, Greece this summer. I know God wants me in Greece to serve and share the Gospel, but I have had doubts about the provision of financial need to get me there. But oh how He is faithful and oh how He provides!

So back to my story about the Patriot...
Benjamin Martin was hurt. He lost his beloved son and became dismayed. He was the leader of the militia and was about to neglect his duties because he became distraught about losing his son. Just as God told Joshua, He told Benjamin and He tells you and me, not to get depressed or become cast down. We have an option. We can refuse to be dismayed. We can determine not to be depressed.
When God told Joshua to "be strong," it was an order, something Joshua was to do. Such strength is not a fruit of the Spirit. And it's not something that comes automatically with salvation through Christ. And it has nothing to do with a believer's position in Christ. No, God was commanding Joshua to "be strong," to strengthen himself, to encourage himself, to harden himself, and to behave valiantly.

We are to move out in the battle and conquer the land on the other side of the Jordan River...whether he wants to or not, whether he feels like doing it or not, whether he thinks he can win or not, whether he's up for it or not. Joshua is basically told, "Just do it!" He's not to be feeble, fragile, or frightened about this command. He's to be strong and move forward. We have to step up to the challenge, stare it in the face, and then boldly step into it before we can cross it and conquer it.

Benjamin wavered in his commitment to fight, but later rejoins the Continental Army in a decisive battle against Lord Cornwallis. The American forces prevail over the British and Benjamin kills Tavington, and after a series of defeats, Cornwallis surrenders to the Americans. Cornwallis, like the enemy of God, will flee and hide in shame. They do not have the strength of the Lord and God's kingdom will prevail!

I challenge you to meditate on God's presence and faithfulness. I challenge you to fight the battle for our Father - you will be victorious! Be strong and bold and never give in to satan's lies to cast us down. Remember every minute of every day the grace and mercy of our God! He makes any challenge and mission possible. He gives us our strength and courage to stand firm through our toils and rejoice in His Marvelous Name.
To God be the Glory Forever!


Our Blessed Assurance.

C.S. Lewis says: "The Christian doctrine of suffering explains, I believe, a very curious fact about the world we live in. The settled happiness and security which we all desire, God withholds from us by the very nature of the world: but joy, pleasure,and merriment He has scattered broadcast. We are never safe, but we have plenty of fun, and some ecstasy. It is not hard to see why. the security we crave would teach us to rest our hearts in this world and oppose an obstacle to our return to God: a few moments of happy love, a landscape, a symphony, a merry meeting with our friends, a bath or a football match, have no such tendency. Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns, but will not encourage us to mistake them for home."